Monday, March 17, 2008

New INFO to share! Just for FUN ! (^_^)

Click here: . Now you can be a cover girl for a mag! * I dunt noe when I'll be a cover girl [probably NEVER in my life..haha] on the mag so it's really joyful to do like this! hehe..*

Anyway, you can choose any type of magazines that you wish to publish your self on to once you uploaded your pic...Have a try [only if you just want to kill your time...!] and a very nice weekdays minna !!! (>0<)


  1. vogey de bass gitu..tried few times..tanoshii ne..


  2. Salaaaam. Hehe not baad!! ada can jadi cover gurl muslimah tuu :D Berapa ringgit satu majalah tu? Nak beliiiii .......

    Pemandangan2 gambo kat bawah tu pn cantik. Bila ntah nak sampai sana , hhmmm

  3. Reply to nuuraia:

    Hihi..nih musti cik ct tgh bowink, tkpun nk ilangkn stress jap..hehe..yup,very tanoshii ne..(^_^)

    P/S:blaja new tango gik!YeaY!Thax cik ct, hargai sngt!
    Cdgn: pe kater cik ct tulis blog gak, cite psl hidup kt sana,nk taw gak..kew xde mase nk tulis?Takpun, cik ct tulis psl camna nk blaja grammar jepun kew..hihi,ntah papew jew idea saya neh..!hehe

  4. Reply to forumer:

    Wslam!Hehe..sajew jew nk buang maser,tgh tensen mase tuu sbb struggle nk siapkn esainmen..hihi

    Tuh pemndangan time sdg ujan..nnt klu saya de pi park, sy amek gmbar, lagik cantek sbb skunk da start spring,scenery da tak dull sbb flowers da mule ada!lawa jew tgok bunga2..huhu..InsyaAllah,ade rezeki nnt nk dtg sini!Saya pun klu bkn sbb dtg nk blaja,x smpai jgk!huhu..(^_^)

  5. pheewiitt!!! pheewiitt!!!

    hehhe hehhe

  6. Salaaam. Hhmm walaupn buang masa, tp bermanfaat gak tu dapat gambar2 yang bagus. Boleh di asah lagi per, praktis demi praktis nnt mahir laa, sambil rujuk tutorial2 ttg photographing kat tenet ni kan?

    Mmm, waiting for ur next pics, in a park eh? I'm sure it will be more fascinating, all the best nnt neh. Don't forget to buzz me when u post ur latest photos ok my fren :)
