Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Greedy Nida Need...*sigh...

Greedy Nida Need
She had no one to pledge
Then came a man to her feet
A charming saviour who became her match

Greedy Nida Need
Appreciation seldom bid
Her arrogance frequently beat
And the charming saviour is constantly left in mid
To love her? To guide her? or the worst, to throw her into bin (*chuckle*)

Why are you so greed, Greedy Nida Need?
He obeys what you rule, He sacrifices more than what you can imagine*d
Ditch your greed
Asking for more (pepsi ad..??), only tot up his bleed!

Now, Greedy Nida Need
Hope you learned
Love is not a child game to play*ed
People say, “The more you give, the more you get back”

And final word,
Learn to say Enuff, when the situation says so,
Learn to be Thankful for the things you gain mo !
Only then you may live blissfully in incoming marriage world !

Nu Na aka Nida
0150 am, March 27, 2008
Stepney Green, London

• A not so-called poem originally written by Nu Na aka Nida
• Was successfully sent to her fiancé’s Sony Ericsson K530i via SKYPE text messenger as to express her regret due to her ‘well-done’ job in making her fiancé’s heart shattered by doing her ‘well-known’ chaotic deeds…
• Full-Stop =( .

Co-Sponsors / Penaja Bersama:

**** Updated moning ****

** The co-sponsors are individual company and they don't have any blood ties or bond any legal agreements with the 'poet'. They just a bunch of pictorial ads to beautifying this time entry...As a matter of fact, I love to use those brand/trademark/service/tagline but I have not so much interest in pepsi..that is to say, not an addictive (^_^)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Finally! Snow in L0nD0N !!!! Alhamdulillah! (^_^)

"Only snow man, so what's the great thing about it?"

I noe that dowh!But for a person like me (budak kampung who finally make herself into one of four-season countries), it is something that I am really waiting for!I bet, most of first-timers will feel a lil bit 'jakun' about it!And as for people who always experience it, they surely think, it is not the thing that need to be excited about!lol!

And to feel the snow especially in London, where some of the Londoners think that it is something that occasionally happen throughout the winter mode, I guess, only Allah knows the best about it!And because of HIS blessed permission,I could finally feel
and touch the snow! But only from my window as I did not have any mood to go outside..hehe..

But actually, today is the second day it snows in London. Yesterday,I only heard from sis Zakiah about it. And at that time I felt quite frustrated because I could not see it by my own eyes. But zillion thanks to Allah for HIS kindness, to let me experience it after hardly waiting since last December!Alhamdulillah!

And because I was too excited, I forgot to snap pictures, instead I made a record of it! A few records actually! Haha. I admit it, I am very very "jakun" but I don't care! I am just tooooo happy! Enough said! (^_^)

* The following video was the sixth record..nope the seventh that I made with less babbling voice of me...huhu.Hope you guys enjoy as well !*

:: Snowy London ::

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Far Away...

This time, This place
Misused, Mistakes
Too long, Too late
Who was I to make you wait
Just one chance
Just one breath
Just in case there's just one left
'Cause you know,
you know, you know

That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Stop breathing if
I don't see you anymore

On my knees, I'll ask
Last chance for one last dance
'Cause with you, I'd withstand
All of hell to hold your hand
I'd give it all
I'd give for us
Give anything but I won't give up
'Cause you know,
you know, you know


So far away
Been far away for far too long
So far away
Been far away for far too long
But you know, you know, you know

I wanted
I wanted you to stay
'Cause I needed
I need to hear you say
That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I forgive you
For being away for far too long
So keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore
Believe it
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore
Believe it
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
Hold on to me and, never let me go

Monday, March 17, 2008

New INFO to share! Just for FUN ! (^_^)

Click here: . Now you can be a cover girl for a mag! * I dunt noe when I'll be a cover girl [probably NEVER in my life..haha] on the mag so it's really joyful to do like this! hehe..*

Anyway, you can choose any type of magazines that you wish to publish your self on to once you uploaded your pic...Have a try [only if you just want to kill your time...!] and a very nice weekdays minna !!! (>0<)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

I love Sunday mood !!!!!!

Running two blogs in parallel sometimes quite exhausted but I enjoy writing, so there is no big deal anyway hehe...I try to be just to both blogs but I can't really help myself to focus on Nu Na's Chronicle, can I ?

Anyway, here is the latest entry from Nu Na's frenster blog....
As today's entry, I just wanted to share a few pictures which I just snapped them off this morning...They were this morning's view looking from my window....As I looked outside through the window, somehow, I felt so peaceful, so calm and sooooo sleepy as well *ehehehe..* because of the rains probably that made my mood swing and it reminds me of how I felt when it was raining in Malaysia...owh how much I miss Malaysia, it couldn't depict from the words...only heart knows best....huhu..sob sob... =((

#1 : View from my seat...

#2 : A step closer...

#3 : Looking down at the wet path and field...

#4 : The trees...waiting for the spring to come and nourish them with green leaves and beautiful flowers...

#5 : Wish to become a skillful photographer...just a wish...huhu..

* Can you guys feel what I feel today?..never mind, it doesn't bring any significant impacts on your guy's life anyway..hehe (^p^) *

Thursday, March 13, 2008

How to be a good muslimah...?

Despite the polemically politics discussion here and there, there is another important question that circulates through out each single nerve that resides within my brain that is How to be a good muslimah ? That question which is more specific to be addressed upon myself as how to be a good servant to Allah which applies to all who claim themselves as Islamic practitioners. I grabbed one of the opportunities back then when I just started my career in UTHM by attending a lecture conducted by Dato' Dr. Fadzilah Kamsah. His lectures were interesting and informative as usual. I remembered he did mention about the word 'insan' which was originated from the Arab word that when we interpreted it again brought the meaning of forgetful.

Further he explained that, that is how we, as a human being vividly the 'interpretation of insan' practically in our daily life. We keep forgetting and most of the times, we keep repeating the same mistakes all over again because of that 'forgetful mind'. However, from my point of view, it's not only that 'forgetful mind' whom should take the blame. The lack of i) willpower, ii) strong determination and iii) religious-oriented should share the responsibility as well. I also one of the 'forgetful mind's victim and a prey of all those numbered points I mentioned just now.

At first, I thought that I need someone who can keep reminding me about what's good and what's bad but it turned out that, I need to have those willpower, strong determination and as an individual, be more religious-oriented. After all, it's Allah, the ONLY TRULY source that we seek help, to woo support and to gain blessing in this world and the world after.

And back to the main question on how to be a good muslimah? I admit, that the awareness to be a good muslimah is not always knocking my 'awareness receptor'. However, as one of my colleagues (En. Fandi) said, this journey (hijrah to this west mainland to seek knowledge) is the way to become a better muslim. Indeed, it is not only living in this so-called 'great' English country to seek wisdom but more than that; to teach us on how to be a good muslim/muslimah, to retain that decent attitudes that slightly differ to this so-called 'sophisticated' community on one hand while on the other hand, try to attain that first-class mentality and behaviour. Nothing is impossible to happen but once again, it depends on we, to DO or not to DO.

And personally I think, there is one more criteria that we always miss out that is about the heart diseases (penyakit-penyakit hati). How to cure those diseases of heart? How to discipline the soul? Eventually, back to basis. Think again of how we created by Allah swt because as we forget about this, I believe, we will always have that heart diseases. My humble judgement is based on these attitudes; arrogance and egotism which always accompany some people [ including myself...sob sob =( ] who are in higher posts that sometimes, they forget to look down to see other people who are less fortunate as compare to them. But as we keep lingering on how we created by the Almighty, we will ponder in every action that we may take. Having said that, continuous invocations and supplications (zikir and doa), will also help in curing the diseases of heart.

Nevertheless, it's learnt that it's far way easier to say rather than practically do it. But, just put all efforts to be the best, not only in this frenetic world life but particularly, in the world after. And as for me, lots of physical and mental preparations that need to mull over starting from now since I will make my second hijrah; that is to be a wife to someone. And from now onwards, I will start to think on how to be a solehah wife? As a matter of fact, we will always and always make a hijrah in our life. And my pray that, hopefully, on every hijrah that I make along the life, may it turn out to be good, may this soul will always fill with the regrets of past, now and future sins and may every minutes, this mind and body work hand in hand to be a good muslimah now and forever. InsyaAllah....

P/S: Have a look at this sembahyang blog. This blog can be as a means of fulfilling any craving souls who seek a way to be a better person. (^_^)

Picture courtesy: modified from various sources; internet

Monday, March 10, 2008

The Election 2008 : A Quick Review

Hai minna !!! Today's entry is about a quick review on the 12th General Election. It seems that the Malaysian people are ready to make new changes in the Malaysia political atmosphere !

The 12th General Election which was held in March 8, 2008 marked a new history in my beloved country, Malaysia. The date which was also claimed to be the birthday of MIC president, Dato' Sri Samy Vellu, however, brought him a 'heart attack' after the joyful victory by his opponent, Dr. Jeyakumar for the Sg Siput parliamentary seat. Dr. Jeyakumar, a physician, stood under PKR ticket.

As for me, the most shocking result was definitely the win of coalition of PKR, DAP and PAS to be as the newly state government to rule my beloved state, Selangor !!! Instead of Selangor, other states which will be run by the opposition parties are Penang (DAP and PKR), Perak (DAP and PKR), Kedah (If Im not mistaken, PAS) and Kelantan (PAS). The sudden loss mourned by the BN party and the reasons for such huge losses should be well-investigated. It probably could be due to the mount of races issues raised recently or losing faith/confidence towards the leaders' reputation; corruption, corruption, corruption; the never ending issue...., the inflation problem and many more. All these problems might raise a question to the the voters' mind set about what kind of gov. do they need actually?!

Well, finally, it was the peoples' voice who made all these unexpected outcome!

I think, the Malaysian people now want a more transparent and equality in every aspects. They don't even want any corruption submerge especially among people in the highest post. It was not about being Malay, Malay, Chinese, Chinese or Indian, Indian anymore! The most important issue to be addressed here is that how to generalize these races to be as one race so-called Malaysian races. And at the same time, the freedom and respecting to each religion should be practised all the time by each individual regardless the race and ideology.

I'm not too young nor too old to give my own statements. And my statements don't really indicate my preference to any parties. They are just my humble view on the current situations in my country which I just left for about 6 months !

And as for the opposition parties who successfully won a few states, please; show to us how sincere and responsible you are after we all giving you the mandate. You are the voice of people so please act according to the people's need !!! And do remember, it's the people's vote that give you that power !

Do refer to this People's Declaration. It's good to know rather than have zero info about it ...(^_^)

Have a nice weekdays minna !!! (n_n)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

AppReCiaTi0N ! (^_^) hihi

:: Thanks Note from Nathan..yeay =p !!! ::

Still remember my previous entry about the group presentation for Clinical & Measurement subject? Well, we supposed to do the presentation on Friday last week but unfortunately, the laptop was unavailable and the second examiner was coming late to class. After a short discussion, the presentation was bring forward to next week which is this week and the day was decided to be on Wednesday, which is today, at 11 am in Room 371. huh huuu.

So, my group was the second grup to do the presentation and it went pretty well (that's because it's Nathan who presented it!!). However, when it came to the Q & A session, the lecturer started to ask the question. "What kind of stimulation apply for those techniques ?" ..."Sorry, it doesn't mention in the paper. I don't know really. How about you guys, anyone?" Nathan directed the question to us. For a few seconds, none of my grup members dare to speak up. And without any hesitates, I voice out my opinion.

"It didn't stated what kind of stimulation they used to provide the electrical stimulation to the muscle. However, I believe that, it depends on the optimum frequency waveform. Usually, the optimum frequency use for FES is between 20 Hz to 50 Hz because bla blabla....." (For this entry, I type my answers clearer and with minimal grammatical errors and with correct sequences...but not during the presentation...I really made so many blunders...huhuhu)

By the way, I didn't really recall where I got the strength to answer the question but I believed, it must be from Allah, who gave me the strength !Alhamdulillah ! And after the presentation was over, my group members thank you me and I was feel quite happy because I could do something for them! =D You're most welcome everyone !!!!

And, further reading the email from Nathan, he asked about the Digital Lab which was just completed yesterday. Well, Nathan, to be honest, I also don't have any clues. I don't even start to think about it ! Anyway, it's good that you ask me that question so that I will start to think and write the lab report piece by piece as early as possible ! Huhu...

Let me think first....hurmmmmm..

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Amy Winehouse - Forget about her 'black' list attitudes, I just love her songs !!!! (>0<)

Amy Winehouse...I admit it, I never like her though I never listen to her songs...Why I don't like her? Good question. {begin speaks with stress tone} Because, every time I read the paper, usually the one that I got in the tube, there will be a bad report about her ... rehab, cocaine, heavy drunk and bla bla bla ... she's really annoyed me! {end speaks with stress tone} BUT, that was before I listening to her songs...Like an old Malay saying ,:: Tak Kenal Maka Tak Cinta ::<-- please translate this for me...=p...

And so, I searched her songs in YouTube and get my ears ready to listen to her first song. And what happened next, I continuously played from one song to another track and another track and so on...Okie dokie, she got that remarkable talent, the gifted voice BUT I have to say that I hate her weird hair style! Oke oke, I know it is her trademark but Sorry, I just gave my personal opinion and you people cannot blame me for that...So, no arguments on that oke?! A short and clear message to Amy :
Don't self-destruct yourself !

So, here are a few of her songs that I find quite soulful and catchy. Jazz Ssensation, I do love it !!!! Enjoy ! (^^)

Amy Winehouse - Love Is A Losing Game [Official Music Video]

Amy Winehouse -You Know I'm No Good

Amy Winehouse - Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow

Amy Winehouse - You sent me flying

(>x<) Love the first one :: Love Is A Losing Game... and You sent me flying..How about you guys?..hehe

Pcture Courtesy: from internet