Despite the polemically politics discussion here and there, there is another important question that circulates through out each single nerve that resides within my brain that is How to be a good muslimah ? That question which is more specific to be addressed upon myself as how to be a good servant to Allah which applies to all who claim themselves as Islamic practitioners. I grabbed one of the opportunities back then when I just started my career in UTHM by attending a lecture conducted by Dato' Dr. Fadzilah Kamsah. His lectures were interesting and informative as usual. I remembered he did mention about the word 'insan' which was originated from the Arab word that when we interpreted it again brought the meaning of forgetful.
Further he explained that, that is how we, as a human being vividly the '
interpretation of insan' practically in our daily life. We keep forgetting and most of the times, we keep repeating the same mistakes all over again because of that 'forgetful mind'. However, from my point of view, it's not only that 'forgetful mind' whom should take the blame. The lack of
i) willpower,
ii) strong determination and
iii) religious-oriented should share the responsibility as well. I also one of the 'forgetful mind's victim and a prey of all those numbered points I mentioned just now.
At first, I thought that I need someone who can keep reminding me about what's good and what's bad but it turned out that, I need to have those
strong determination and as an individual, be
more religious-oriented. After all, it's Allah, the ONLY TRULY source that we seek help, to woo support and to gain blessing in this world and the world after.

And back to the main question on how to be a good muslimah? I admit, that the awareness to be a good muslimah is not always knocking my 'awareness receptor'. However, as one of my colleagues (En. Fandi) said, this journey (hijrah to this west mainland to seek knowledge) is the way to become a better muslim. Indeed, it is not only living in this so-called 'great' English country to seek wisdom but more than that; to teach us on how to be a good muslim/muslimah, to retain that decent attitudes that slightly differ to this so-called 'sophisticated' community on one hand while on the other hand, try to attain that first-class mentality and behaviour. Nothing is impossible to happen but once again, it depends on we, to DO or not to DO.
And personally I think, there is one more criteria that we always miss out that is about the heart diseases (penyakit-penyakit hati). How to cure those diseases of heart? How to discipline the soul? Eventually, back to basis. Think again of how we created by Allah swt because as we forget about this, I believe, we will always have that heart diseases. My humble judgement is based on these attitudes; arrogance and egotism which always accompany some people [ including myself...sob sob =( ] who are in higher posts that sometimes, they forget to look down to see other people who are less fortunate as compare to them. But as we keep lingering on how we created by the Almighty, we will ponder in every action that we may take. Having said that, continuous invocations and supplications (zikir and doa), will also help in curing the diseases of heart.
Nevertheless, it's learnt that it's far way easier to say rather than practically do it. But, just put all efforts to be the best, not only in this frenetic world life but particularly, in the world after. And as for me, lots of physical and mental preparations that need to mull over starting from now since I will make my second hijrah; that is to be a wife to someone. And from now onwards, I will start to think on how to be a solehah wife? As a matter of fact, we will always and always make a hijrah in our life. And my pray that, hopefully, on every hijrah that I make along the life, may it turn out to be good, may this soul will always fill with the regrets of past, now and future sins and may every minutes, this mind and body work hand in hand to be a good muslimah now and forever. InsyaAllah....
P/S: Have a look at this
sembahyang blog. This blog can be as a means of fulfilling any craving souls who seek a way to be a better person. (^_^)
Picture courtesy: modified from various sources; internet