Hi Sarah n reader of my blog,
Finally, I moved in to a new room officially on 18th of June 2008. So that is to say, I already live in this new room with my hubby for approximately 3 weeks! I pay the room for 455GBP pcm (per calendar month) instead of using the usual way, pay in for every 4 weeks. I was preoccupied with the dissertation, moving the stuff,be as a tourist guide and so forth for the last 2 weeks ago so that is why I couldnt update my precious blog for almost 3 weeks!!!!Damn,really miss Nu Na's Chronicle!
Our new flat is on the 2nd floor in Tower Hamlet Borough. This flat consists of 4 rooms, 1 kitchen, 1 shower room and 1 toilet. The master bedroom is occupied by one gentleman from South Africa, one guy from India(muslim) who lives in the second room, mine is in the 3rd room and the last room which is the smallest one is occupied by one man from France. So, I am the only lady in this flat. Anyway, I really satisfy with all facilities that are provided by the agent of this house. So far, it is really easy to deal with him. But the most important thing that I like about this new flat is, we are all equal. No one can act as a landlord as this flat is run by the agent as the meddler person between us; the tenants and, the real landlord of the flat.
My past experience has taught me a lot. Living with the landlord only brings so much pain. They first will control your daily life; asking you where have you been for the whole day?, Why are you coming home late?, and etc etc etc. They dont sound like your parents when your parents worrying about you. But they DEFINITELY sound like a 'busybody' type of person! Then, the next thing you know, they start to intefere your very own secretive and sensitive business; asking you how much many you earn or get for your scholarship, how did you spend them? and etc etc etc!!!!Owh Pleaseeeeee, mind your own business laaa, okay?!
So here, I am free to do my own thing. Enjoy cooking is the most laaa!!!hehe. And I don't really talk too much with them, instead of saying: Hi. Are u allright? Hello. Enough. Full stop. I learnt from my past experience too, dont let your friendliness carried away and dont let your guard down! Dont trust anybody! HoH0000oo...
Hoh0 muke penat but full of satisfaction!!!! Nasi Ayam: the making...i mean the finishing...hehe
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