When we want to find or to get know more about Allah and Islam, HE will show the path to us. I believe this as it is happening to me now. Alhamdulillah, I born in the Islam family and proud to say that I am a muslim! But,the qualities of my ibadah are still in doubt. And YES, I know that I'm unable to measure them as there's no specific tool or advance equipment to evaluate, monitor and print out the quality results of each of my ibadah
BUT yet, I am 101% confirm that there're still weaknesses here and there.
My friend invited me to join the Islamic Circle lecture y'day in Central London Mosque. At first,my niat was to get some fresh air since I wasn't going anywhere since the exam fever attacked but it turned out to be a wonderful and fascinating day I've ever felt!I'm not going to talk about the lecture during Islamic Circle but more than that, it's about akidah, the first principle of Rukun Islam:the Syahadah!
With a small group of sisters(3 Indonesian, 2 Malaysian, 1 Paki-born-Uganda and 1 Indian-born-France) and lead by Brother Hilal(Indon/Vietnam-born-S'pore), we headed to Sis Syafiqah's house in Edmonton Green as soon as the lecture finished. I didn't know the main reason why they wanted to go there in the first place. But then, a brief explanation from Kak Yati, made me understand a lil bit of the whole story.

While we were waiting for Bro Hilal to buy some snacks,Sis Nurul bought a beautiful flower while Sis Ary bought a scarf from Tie Rack. They said,"These will be given to Sis Syafiqah's mom as a gift from ALL of US". At the same time, Bro Hilal already prepared a PRAYER cd to be handed in to Syafiqah's mom. At that time,I thought,how these people use such a nice approach to help other people who are really in needs!
Sis Syafiqah's mom is at 63. Her name is Khatijah(a lovely name) but she rather calls herself as Betty and she used to be a Church goer! She said, she used to born as a muslim but I think due to her free-life here,she was really away from Islam. She said that her brother(lived in USA) who passed away 1.5 years ago, died as a Christian believer and all his sons and daughters are Christian followers as well! But ALLAH will give the hidayah to people he wants and so,it started with her second daughter, Sis Syafiqah. I can see how committed sis Syafiqah is in order to bring her mom back to Islam path! But not only her mom,but her older brother and sister as well!

An Asar prayer was performed after a short chat and was Imam by Bro Hilal. Aunt Khatijah was asked to perform the prayer together(jamaah) by following the steps though she only knew a bit bout it. A tazkirah then was delivered by Bro Hilal,it was short but so meaningful and all the points he addressed out were relevant to Aunt Khatijah and even to us as well! He advised Aunt Khatijah to start praying by doing the Subuh and Asar prays and don't wait to start them as we don't know when our time will come. Aunt Khatijah is really repent for her wrong doing before and I even cried a bit when she started to cry,regretting her past and her brothers who died without saying syahadah!
I do like the way Bro Hilal delivering his dakwah. He dressed so casual but yet clean and showing his genuine nawaitu to help others by wearing a white shirt. The sisters were filled with full enthusiasm to helping out Aunt Khatijah by teaching her how to pray and even developed a very good rapport with Aunt by giving her those gifts. And I see, how Islam unites people from many walks of life as I experienced in this small group of sisters,we come from every side of the world,we can be so close eventhough we just met each other and we friend without prejudice,double standard and far from racism! And yet,I really found the
beauty in Islam here in

You see,to dakwah, it's no use if you use harsh way! Take a simple example, no one will ever listen if you criticise using improper words and tones! Therefore, soft and diplomatic is the winning route! The tendency to against the upright & morality and the akidah to be specific is depending upon who is your companion as well. That's why we need to at least try to find a righteous friend. And I think,the mistake that brings Aunt Khatijah far from the true path is because she failed to get a friend who upholds the Islam principles. I have no clues how the dakwah is being conducted in Malaysia and how do we supporting the muallaf(newcomer in Islam) to nourish Islam in their heart and in daily life BUT I do think that at least I can use the way of Bro Hilal and sisters conducting the dakwah and yet,they do it not because of money but because they WANT to do it!
Dear reader, let us pray together for Aunt Khatijah . She is no late, everyone is no late to come back to the real path as long as we still breathing the air! The beauty in Islam will prevail!
Pictures Courtesy: From my Digi-Cam. The flower pictures were taken in Regent's Park, London.