Heya all !!!! Assalamualaikum w.b.r =)
Today entry is about my MSc project....( oh la laaaa....!!!) Before I start mumbling, babbling or whatsoeva...today, is really a tough dey for me!...I keep thinking n thinking n it seems like my neurotransmitter has been released more n more and the signal impulse from my central nervous system propagates at a very high speed !!!! hoh00...and i think i need a break now...so thats why im here!!! heeeeee...xD
Orait, back to our main topic, my MSc project title is Modeling and Simulation of the Sino Atrial Node & Cardiovascular System...Like I mentioned in the previous entry, I am no longer known as a typical engineer student, BUT now, I am more into the combining of math + biology (more into medical stream i guess....=p) + control system + electrical....n yeah, not forget to mention here, computational effort (Im using Matlab; playing with the Simulink n m file script)! Waalllllaaaaaaa...!
You noe, it is not easy to be au fait with this project...I had spent soooo much time reading the journals, consult my project spervisor (Dr. Vepa, U r really GeniuS indeed !!!), finding info on the net, doing this and that but to no avail ! A lot of questions but yet no constructive answer! So how can I make it trouble-free n to some extent, being uncomplicated n straightforward?
Well, I dunno whether my methods here are the best solutions but at least, these are what I could figure out! Orait, first of all:
--> Work out with the Workplan
I put it as the first method because I wouldn't do the work appropriately without facing the ultimate pressure =). In this case, the pressure MUST be proportional to the time. Therefore, as the time goes by, without me doing anything, it means that, As a result, the pressure will also be increased! (remember, the so-called proportional concept?! hihi) Hence, I can conclude that the pressure is time dependence! (hahaha..sounds like a bonkers mathematician...=p). Then, in second order:
--> Concentrate with the Literature Review or in short L.R!
Oke, I admit, when I was doing my Undergrad project, I couldn't see the importance of L.R. It just so happened that I didn't really pay a 'supposedly' attention to that part as I thought it didn't really bring so thoughtful meaning to me or even to the project itself! BUT now, seriously talking, I could see how serviceable this part could be! A good L.R is a product of selecting the good materials to be read (so dat ur not wasting ur precious time reading unnecessary tidings; consult ur sprvsr =p) and the effectiveness of writing it (in the sense of: producing a very comprehensive essay n stated the vital facts!). Again, to gain a clear view, I can write the previous statement in the mathematical form as follow:
A Good L.R = [Selecting the good materials] X [Effectiveness of writing]
Now, next is:
--> Well-communicate with the supervisor!
Urmmm,I'm not saying that you need to talk fluently (if so, then it is a BONUS to you!...=D) to be regarded as having a well communication BUT the thing is that, I measure the term of well communicate in the sense of having a regular contact with ur supervisor! Don't be afraid to raise any issues or to voice your concerns or even asking a silly question (Sometimes, ur question might spark a new way of interpreting the project..!!!Trust me! This way went very well to me..! =p)..after that, here comes 4thly and is the last point for this tonight entry:
--> Always keep a pen and a small book or even a lil piece of paper with U!
It is actually one of the thou of advices which comes from my ex-Penasihat Akademik; Dr Burn (nickname glamer hihi n now we r colleague ..yeay !) n I still remember it till now. Idea is soooo abstract! It is not simply appear in your mind; it also not comes every time BUT once it hits, it flows quickly n most of the time, u might forget easily as well. Therefore, every time the idea attacks your functional brain, you might not be in a rushing state [ finding the pen n bla bla bla where the idea could be "missing during action"...hehehe..it happens all the time to me lol =p ] since your pen n a piece of paper are always there in the pocket ; extremely devoted to serve the best to the respected owner !!!! =)
Lalala~~ Well guys, I hope this brain wave entry as well as the previous one, in any way, could give you some thoughts n brings anticipation in your next step when conducting any educational projects [especially in thesis, research n etc]
Next entry, Im going to talk about the second part of My MSc Project....It will cover the Writing part, the Presentation skill and the use of Library !!!